Vista Star Service Unit
A community for Girl Scouts and Adult Volunteers in the Hopkins School Area.
Girl Scout Family Giving
Dear Girl Scout Troops and Families,
I'm Jen Gale, a Brownie Troop Co-Leader at Meadowbrook. My role with our Vista Star Service Unit is the Family Giving Coordinator.
You ask...what does Family Giving support?
Answer: financial assistance, camperships, uniforms, books, patches, program attendance. Every Service Unit has girls and adults that utilize the support of financial assistance. ALL girls need to be offered the opportunity to be a Girl Scout. Family Giving helps to pay it forward to another girl and her family to experience all that Girl Scouts has to offer.
My daughter, Eleanor, is in second grade right now (in her 3rd year of scouting). I am reflecting on the lessons through her years in scouting... and how many activities have helped her to gain courage and confidence. Girl Scout Troop meetings, workshops, field trips, events and cookie sales have provided her with unique opportunities to hone these skills...building her character. Eleanor, along with her 11 other Troop members, have an avid interest in making the world a better place!
Did you know that it costs over $400 a year to support the programs and activities for each girl in our Council? Cookies and program revenue cover 72 percent, but that still leaves a gap of $116 per girl.
Every girl deserves the chance to be a Girl Scout, but not everyone can afford it on their own. Family Giving reaches beyond your own Troop and touches the lives of girls who need a little extra support.
My hope is that your Troops are open to making a Family Giving donation with a portion of your cookie profits.
Here's the link to donate:
If you would prefer to mail a donation:
Girl Scouts
400 Robert Street South
St Paul, MN 55107
All donations are tax-deductible as River Valleys is a 5013 C Non-Profit Organization.
Checks should be written out to Girl Scouts of River Valleys. Also PLEASE REMEMBER to attach a note that the money is meant for Vista Star Family Giving.
Also, please forward this information to your Troop families. Individual families may choose to make a donation to Family Giving.
Thank you for any support that you can give to Girl Scouts in need!
Jen Gale
Family Giving Coordinator
Vista Star Service Unit
P.S. If you want to make an even bigger impact, double your donation by checking to see if your employer will match your charitable contribution.